We are spirit, and yet we cannot be exorcised. We are mortal, and yet our hearts cannot be stilled.
But we can be unmade.
We were brought into existence across the span of many centuries. Our Master has time; all the time in all the worlds. To our Master and us time is meaningless. Through us and our like he spreads his domain.
We are known and have been known by many names: demons, witches, temptresses and the Sisters of Blood. Our Master is also known by many names: Lucifer, the Devil and the Father of Lies. Many names in many tongues spoken across endless worlds…but none come close. We know of it, but to speak it would herald our unmaking.
Our true name is Essen Lashell. We were created at the birth of all things and at the end of many things. We walk broken worlds where we watch and wait, collecting corrupted souls to be placed in the soft warm bodies of those not yet born; the children who will grow to hasten the destruction of their worlds. This is our purpose and our burden. As we have stated, time means nothing to us…yet time passes.
Time is the concern of lesser beings, but our memories are our concern; they congeal and coalesce. They pool like blood, becoming muddied and lost. For one brief moment, when we step between worlds, they strengthen and form, clear and lucid, clear and overwhelming. A montage of screams, death and dust.
We yearn to be free from servitude, free from our Master’s reach. We wish to be worshiped. We need to be loved.
The one known as the Bringer of Sorrows will show us the way.

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